
As the famous quote says: “Every business goal is to create and keep a customer.”

Business Growth

For businesses that offer SaaS to their customers, including scale is essential.
Why? To keep up with the economy.

All businesses can do business online, even if it’s just a simple website that can bring new customers or an online platform for users to do something.

Business growth for SaaS is Autoscaling.

So, business growth for SaaS is autoscaling; why? More customers mean more computing resources to provide for the business’s services.

System Design

Imagine that the company you work for increases its customer base, so more customers are using the SaaS platform; how can the system handle the load?


Ensure that the SaaS platform you’re building can SCALE!

Compute resources, APIs, databases, load balancers, and every component in the stack.

This approach will ensure that the SaaS platform can handle increasing demand.

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