Posts in Cloud Security

Bots As Part Of Your Cloud Ops

Do you have bots in your stack?

How do you assign permissions to a bot?

Bots in the context of your cloud ops

I’ll explain, let’s say you use Jenkins for your CI/CD pipelines, how does Jenkins clone new code from the code repository?

Or how does your Slack channel receives alerts from an app?

Sometimes you need bots in your stack but here’s the challenge, what permissions does a bot gets?

Let’s start with naming your bot

A good practice is to name the bot as what it’s supposed to do, for example:

  • bot-jenkins
  • bot-slack
  • bot-s3-read-only
  • etc..

you get the point, start the naming with bot so other people won’t confuse it with other users.

What about naming policies?

I set the same naming for permissions and policies, it’s very easy to manage something that you know what it is and what it does by it’s name

Keys or Roles?

I prefer using Roles, it’s better than just putting a secret somewhere not knowing who use it

but there might be a situation where you’ll need to use keys, for example if you need to rsync files from a remote server on a different cloud vendor than Roles is not an option, just make sure those keys have the exact permissions it needs for the task

Once the task is done deactivate the keys


Bots are part of your stack so add the exact permissions for the specific task

6 Rules For Cloud Architect

Are you a cloud architect? How do you plan a new infrastructure for a product?

How do you build workflow in the cloud?

What are the considerations of cloud security, costs and automation?

All are relevant questions when planning a new cloud design for a product runtime, so let’s discuss it.
Also, this is my approach and it serve me well in all of my designs and cloud operations in production.


Preplan is not part of the 6 rules and just a starting point.

It’s better to plan before starting to build any project, in order to plan you’ll need to understand the product, ask these questions:

  • What problem is the product solves?
  • Who’s going to use it? (demographics)
  • What are the business risks of downtime?
  • What is the expected or current revenue?
  • What is the technical flow of the product? (user login, integrate with API, consume data from database, etc..)

The more you ask the more information you’ll have in the design process, so don’t skip this step.
It’s easy to just go into building stuff and not ask for need and requirements.


If your design will cost more than the revenue the product won’t justify itself, this is very important as a bad design in costs perspective can have a significant affect on the entire business operations.

So, in every step of the planning consider costs!

Cloud Security

In every product there’s a risk factor in term of business risks, what if the application is down for 1-hour? what is the affect in term of reputation and revenue?

What if some services and data are exposed to unauthorized parties?

So, ensure to include security measures in the design to make sure your product is protected, but don’t overdue it as it can cause issues with workflow and runtime.

Balance is key here.


Building and working without automation means spending time on repetitive tasks, this is not efficient and will cause slow delivery.

Try using IaC (Infrastructure as code) approach, this means you can deploy and modify entire infrastructure in minutes.

Also, you can find out the current stack components by checking the IaC files.

Combine IaC and Immutable infrastructure to get maximum results.

Decouple Dependencies

When building software and infrastructure it’s easy to tie components and hard-code stuff, the more hard-coded and dependency there is between different components the more issues it will cause.

Let’s say that you designed the infrastructure with hard-coded IP addresses, this means those IP cannot change, the same for other config files.

Another example is start-up of a service that is deepened on other services, for example application that’s require the monitoring agent to start, monitoring is nice but should not affect production services.

Continuous Software Updates

Software freeze is a risk in my opinion, this approach will lead to more work that needs planning and the longest the freeze the hardest it is to upgrade.

Let’s say you’re using Python3.6 and are using pip packages in your code, this means you cannot upgrade your OS because new OS comes with latest Python version and that python version uses the latest pip version.

So now you can’t upgrade your Python, pip or OS, just because you did not integrated updates in the regular operations.

Keep your code and system up to date!

Remove Single Point Of Failure

Similar to couple dependencies that can cause issues, relying on a single endpoint or component is risky, let’s say you’re using one load-balancer, what happened if that load-balancer is overloaded?

Single database? the same issue

Those are simple examples but in your product there are probably more components that are defined as single point of failure.

The less single point of failure the better!

What is the responsibility of DPO

Does your company hire the services of a DPO?

What is a DPO?

Data Protection Officer

The role of a DPO is to protect the customers data, yes the customers.

And is usually an outsource or an independence consultant, not an employee (depends on the organization).

Why do you need a DPO?

If your company does business with customers that are located in the EU than you need to comply with GDPR.

What is GDPR?

The EU have a set of regulations in order to protect customer’s data within the EU.

GDPR stands for: General Data Protection Regulation

The purpose in general overview is: how do companies collect and protect customer’s data (in-depth details can be found at THIS LINK)

Is it a requirement to hire a DPO?

If your company is doing business is the EU than the answer is YES.

It is a legislation.


Chief Security Information Officer is responsible for the security of internal information and data of the company.

Data Protection Officer is responsible for the customer’s privacy, data and information as an external position to ensure the representation of the customers.

Do you need a DPO? Are you doing business in the EU?
If your answer is yes, than contact us now to hire your outsource DPO

To contact us click HERE

3 Rules For Cloud Security

What is your cloud security approach?

When designing a product to work on the cloud it’s best practice to include IT and Cloud security in the product runtime, infrastructure and operations.

The Challenge

When using cloud the approach needs to be different than on-perm or just consuming SaaS from another provider, it’s very easy to open ports and permit access to cloud resources, and because it’s in the “cloud” it might be accessible from public and external networks.

Keeping track of modifications or preventing admins and developers access to modify resources can hinder the normal operation of IT and Development, so it’s better to implement a different approach.

An approach that is a mindset of Cloud security considerations in every project and modification, changes are necessary in order to improve and develop the product you’re working on.


Authentication means: who are you?

Examples of identify in roles and positions:

  • admin
  • developer
  • contractor
  • customers
  • etc..


Authorization means: What can you do?

Examples of permissions:

  • add users
  • delete users
  • add new clients
  • open security-group ports
  • download files
  • access resources (databases, servers)
  • etc..


Connection means: Where are you connecting from?

Example of connections:

  • Official HQ Offices
  • Remote workers (VPN)
  • Customers (anywhere)
  • Private-Link
  • etc..

How to successfully have a secure cloud account?

Choose the best suited approach for you and your team and implement that approach as a mindset, the approach with those 3 recommended rules is easy to remember and easy to implement.

Do you maintain a regular cloud security operation?
Do you know the status of your cloud security?
If your answer is yes, than contact us now and we’ll do the cloud security for you.
To contact us click HERE