Posts in Deployments

Cloud Native

How does your team is working with cloud infrastructure?

Cloud Native Topics

  • Development process
  • System design
  • Builds and packages
  • Deployments
  • Release
  • Cloud infrastructure

Development process

When working with cloud systems the proven methods to develop and run applications in production is DevOps

DevOps is the practice of code > build > test > deploy > release > repeat

DevOps is about bridging the gap between development to production

System design

You can use different methods of designing applications but if your applications are stored in the cloud then Microservices might be better to implement, otherwise why use on-premise approach when you can enable the benefits of using cloud infrastructure?

Builds CI and packages

Containers by now are the default approach to build applications as its comfortable to ship and deploy

Its easy to start local development environment using containers and work on your application

CI is an integral part as this will initiate your committed code to get build and get deployed


Deployments to production is easier when the application is packaged as a container image

This is the next step after builds as this is the confirmation that the tests are ok and the container image with the latest code already pushed to the image repository and ready for deployment to production


This is the step after the deployment is successful and the new image is used in production

Now the choice is when to enable new features using feature-toggle

Once the new features are enabled the release step is complete

Cloud Infrastructure

To manage the containers and successfully implement Microservices you’ll need Kubernetes cluster to orchestrate the containers runtime

Other services like sending email, databases, load balancers and more, can be integrated with your Kubernetes cluster to be used for the entire stack


Cloud Native is proven to have better results and happy developers

but Hey! you can always start a long running VM and install some stuff on it

How to deploy production systems

In some situations development teams are deploying some of the production systems from local, yes from their local laptops. that’s is a not recommended practice as it causes issues in prod.

Why developers modify from their local laptop?

There can be a few resources for why deploying new code and modifying production config is done from local laptop, here are a few examples

  • No CI pipelines
  • Failed CI pipeline
  • Just bad practice

In any case it is not recommended to modify production systems from local laptop and it’s better to use CI tools.

How to modify production systems?

When you update production with new code/config or new services the downtime should be zero.

for a successful deployment to production you’ll need to adopt a few approaches

Git Ops

In summary this means that every modification will be committed to your Git repository.

Infrastructure as code

In summary this means that the creation and update of the infrastructure should be declared in code/template.

CI Pipeline

When a commit is made to the relevant repository Git sends a hook to the CI system to start the CI pipeline, this will initiate: build > test > deploy

when the CI pipeline is complete we know that the build, tests and deploy successfully as expected. (DevOps outcome should be expected for every pipeline)

Note: there’s another step of release that “enable” the actual new code, and this is done via feature toggle.

Deployment to production

This is where the deployment strategy comes, obviously force-deploy will shutdown the services and start the services again (downtime)

we’ll need a better approach like blue-green that will create another group of resources with the new code and only after its active the current requests/traffic will be redirected to the new group of services.

after the deploy is OK the old resources can be deleted.


To verify that the deploy is OK

  • check your metrics and logs
  • check that the service is operational (can be done via automated QA)


Do not be tempted to deploy from local laptop as this will cause issues and it will not be registered in logs or as a commit.

Use CI pipeline!

6 Rules For Cloud Architect

Are you a cloud architect? How do you plan a new infrastructure for a product?

How do you build workflow in the cloud?

What are the considerations of cloud security, costs and automation?

All are relevant questions when planning a new cloud design for a product runtime, so let’s discuss it.
Also, this is my approach and it serve me well in all of my designs and cloud operations in production.


Preplan is not part of the 6 rules and just a starting point.

It’s better to plan before starting to build any project, in order to plan you’ll need to understand the product, ask these questions:

  • What problem is the product solves?
  • Who’s going to use it? (demographics)
  • What are the business risks of downtime?
  • What is the expected or current revenue?
  • What is the technical flow of the product? (user login, integrate with API, consume data from database, etc..)

The more you ask the more information you’ll have in the design process, so don’t skip this step.
It’s easy to just go into building stuff and not ask for need and requirements.


If your design will cost more than the revenue the product won’t justify itself, this is very important as a bad design in costs perspective can have a significant affect on the entire business operations.

So, in every step of the planning consider costs!

Cloud Security

In every product there’s a risk factor in term of business risks, what if the application is down for 1-hour? what is the affect in term of reputation and revenue?

What if some services and data are exposed to unauthorized parties?

So, ensure to include security measures in the design to make sure your product is protected, but don’t overdue it as it can cause issues with workflow and runtime.

Balance is key here.


Building and working without automation means spending time on repetitive tasks, this is not efficient and will cause slow delivery.

Try using IaC (Infrastructure as code) approach, this means you can deploy and modify entire infrastructure in minutes.

Also, you can find out the current stack components by checking the IaC files.

Combine IaC and Immutable infrastructure to get maximum results.

Decouple Dependencies

When building software and infrastructure it’s easy to tie components and hard-code stuff, the more hard-coded and dependency there is between different components the more issues it will cause.

Let’s say that you designed the infrastructure with hard-coded IP addresses, this means those IP cannot change, the same for other config files.

Another example is start-up of a service that is deepened on other services, for example application that’s require the monitoring agent to start, monitoring is nice but should not affect production services.

Continuous Software Updates

Software freeze is a risk in my opinion, this approach will lead to more work that needs planning and the longest the freeze the hardest it is to upgrade.

Let’s say you’re using Python3.6 and are using pip packages in your code, this means you cannot upgrade your OS because new OS comes with latest Python version and that python version uses the latest pip version.

So now you can’t upgrade your Python, pip or OS, just because you did not integrated updates in the regular operations.

Keep your code and system up to date!

Remove Single Point Of Failure

Similar to couple dependencies that can cause issues, relying on a single endpoint or component is risky, let’s say you’re using one load-balancer, what happened if that load-balancer is overloaded?

Single database? the same issue

Those are simple examples but in your product there are probably more components that are defined as single point of failure.

The less single point of failure the better!

Deploy vs. Release

What is the difference between deploy and release?

when you’re working on servers and operating a runtime of application you need to make sure the deliver of new software to the users

doing so there are two option

  1. just deploy the new software to the servers
  2. deploy the new software but don’t make it available yet


Deploy means you put the new software on the servers


Release means that new software is now available to users

Two step process

making the deploy and release a two step process will ensure a smooth integration of new software into production servers, yes you can still can deploy after testing and make the two step process a one step process

How can you deploy and not make the new software operate instead of the current software?

using feature flags

with feature flags you can deploy the new software but not make it available yet, after you made a decision on when to activate the new software you can make the feature flag active and expose the new software to users (release)

a feature flag is just an if else statement on the new function of the new software

How to deploy S3 hosted website

When you have a website that is hosted at S3 updating new version of this website can interrupt with your regular tasks so how can you automate this repeating upload of new website version?

Jenkins as your automation

Jenkins can do many things including automation for this specific task of deploying new version of your website, thus making the operation of new version upload automatically.

how to automate your new version deployment?

  1. Create a git repository for your website
  2. Create a new pipeline in Jenkins using the Jenkinsfile here
  3. Start the job or commit a new version to the website repository

P.S. don’t forget to check the option in the job:

GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling

Example of deployed website

Check out this example of a website that is automated via Jenkins here


Now you can add more tasks to your automation and create new automation jobs

What is your Deployment Strategy

As a DevOps and a cloud administrator you need to deploy apps to your production cluster.

How do you deploy your apps?

There are many options and there is no perfect one because every app and every company has a different approach so in this blog g post we’ll talk about a few so you can choose the deployment strategy that is suitable for you.

The purpose of the deployment is to deploy a new version of your app and images.

Rolling Red / Black or Green / Blue

In this approach, we will be Rolling the new version per instance or per group of instances.

Canary Analysis

In this approach we will do the following steps:

  • Replace a small number of instances
  • A certain percent of traffic is sent to the new version
  • Meant to test a stable version

Red / Black or Green / Blue

In this approach we will do the following:

  • Starts a duplicate server group
  • When the new group is OK traffic is sent to this new group

Choosing your deployment strategy can help you with deploying every new version of your software.