Posts in Ideas

What is a cloud administrator

these days it’s very easy to confuse job description especially when you just starting learning about an occupation that you’re interested in.

adding to the problem it’s very interesting how every company has different requirements for the “same” role, so now it’s more confusing.

So what a cloud administrator does?

take the following explanation with a pinch of salt, why? because each company wants different things and have different approach so don’t get into specific topics and technologies.

A Cloud Administrator is responsible for computing resources and SAAS accounts the company is using.

Example of Cloud Administrator Responsibilities

  • Managing cloud accounts, AWS, GCP, Azure, or any other cloud provider the company is using.
  • Managing online SAAS accounts, G Suite, Office365, Slack, and any other software provider online.
  • that description includes backup, working on different OS like Linux and Windows servers, and even some coding.


A Cloud is just someone else’s computer so if you’re a system administrator getting into cloud should be easy for you.

What are Chrome DevTools

When you want to debug a web application or website and if you’re using Chrome you can do it via Chrome DevTools other browsers have similar tools as well.

so what are the common DevTools?

  • Console – main usage is to log messages and run JavaScript.
  • Network – inspect network activity.
  • Storage – view, edit, and delete a page’s HTTP cookies.
  • Performance – analyze runtime performance.
  • Security – check that a page is fully protected by HTTPS.

There are more DevTools available check them out at this link

How to browse websites using Linux cli terminal

Sometimes you miss the days of just a shell and a terminal cli to avoid the noise and get the info you need without distractions, in my opinion people don’t even think of that and go straight to their favorite browser. next time try something else, something like browsing from Linux terminal using cli.

How to browse websites using cli?

this blog post is for Linux users, if you’re interested in other operating systems send me an email requesting a blog post with your favorite OS and I’ll try to make one for you.

start by installing w3m

sudo apt install w3m

then browse the website


let’s try another website


use keyboard arrows to navigate throw the website, use Enter key to click a link and use Q key to exit the cli browser

How to monitor your website with only 2 metrics?

When you have a static website on your company or just for yourself you still need to monitor it to ensure it’s operational. so let’s do this with only 2 metrics.

First metric is HTTPS

by monitoring HTTPS we know that the SSL certificate is ok and the web server is responding, that’s two metrics for the price of one.

Second metric is Web-scraping

when we web scraping our website we know if the content is served as it should be thus making sure our web server responded with content pages and not empty pages.

Worth mentioning third metric

you’ll probably want to add page speed metric to make sure the website is responding fast enough for visitors.


I like to keep things simple and by using only those 2 metrics I can make sure the website is working as expected and I don’t need to monitor more than 2 or 3 metrics, I just monitor the metrics that important the most.